
Showing posts from January, 2018

Blended Solutions for Better Websites

There are so many variables to any website that it is difficult to apply one solution to increase desired outcomes. A cookie cutter response no longer works for successful digital services. At first, there were steps that guaranteed improvements. Many websites, for example, were not connected to social media pages. The “go-to” service in that case was social media management. There was a time in the not too distant past when search engine optimization (SEO) was drastically increased by fresh content added to the site regularly. Those solutions are now common elements to most sites. Trends of five to ten years ago are now standard procedures. It is time to re-think approaches to website design structures, problems, and solutions. Developing Strategies Many fairly new digital services providers, like Green T Digital , are not new to the industry. Business owners, developers working for other companies, and innovative marketing experts are coming together to start their own design and